Entry 1 My Understanding of literacy and why I feel this way.


The term literacy means to me the ability to decipher language. The knowledge to know what combination of letters mean what.


 A literate person is a person who knows how to read. This can be as little as knowing sight words for some. A literate person knows how to utilize their ability to read to in functional ways.

Earlier in class we were asked to "what the term literacy means to you," and to "describe a literate person." Those definitions are found at the beginning of this post. I developed my definition of literacy in my work with the special education population. For many in that population literacy is very basic but has a profound impact in their daily lives. Special education influences much of how I define work in literacy and other school related topics. This population has become a huge impact on how I view education in general. The second question we defined a literate person is and by this definition I do believe that I am a literate person. I understand how to utilize my ability to read in functional ways.


  1. Matt, your focus on reading and decoding letters/words is a very common perception of what is literacy and what are the primary tasks a literate person must be able to perform. I will be interested to see how your understanding shifts over the course of the semester.

    PS. Regarding this blog template, if you are able to increase the size of the font for your entries that would be helpful as it tends to default a small font, which becomes harder to easily read when you write the full-length entries expected for this assignment.


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