Entry Post 2: Kucer Article through the SQ4R Lens

    While reading the Kucer article I attempted to utilize the SQ4R method which was a new experience for me. I have never really used a method for getting information; outside of using questions I am trying to answer to guide my reading and looking for those answers within the text. I use a lot of time and energy just getting through text and the idea of slowing down more is a daunting idea to me. So, in order for me to truly get a better perspective on using the SQ4R method would take a few readings using it. This is not saying that I do not have some initial thoughts on how it made me aware of what and how I was reading, how I felt it readied me to participate in discussion and where this idea can help me in building new habits when reading to support my learning.

     Using SQ4R method while reading somewhat helped in making me more aware of what I was reading. Using the "Questioning" part of method and making up questions from the headings that I had to answer and not just questions to be done after the reading, a method that I normally use during readings. This helped me focus my reading in a different way, but it made me focus on my questions and not necessarily focus on anything else. If I did not feel I got an answer to my questions I felt lost and confused, that I did not get the information that I thought I should be finding in the text. This would be helpful when I use the method more and am more able to focus my questioning and understanding how to question the text better. If I was able to find the answer it did help me in focusing my reading but then I felt I missed other information. Otherwise, I am not sure it changed how I was reading, I have to read very deliberately to gain understanding from my reading and I still miss important things. If I just try to quickly read, I miss more and then I am going over the text multiple times. It did however make me more conscious and highlighted points I found interesting. Some of these points did not help with other discussion but it made the reading more engaging.

    For being ready to participate in a forum discussion I have mixed feelings about how SQ4R worked. My biggest feeling is that I was under prepared to discussed just based on using this as a method of reading. I didn't look to see what I was going to be discussing and was just going off questions that I had made from the headings. This proved to be a mistake for me, I was not aware of what information I was truly looking for and had to go back more often to find the article to find information than I usually have to. This goes back to me not being fully aware of how to use SQ4R and making my questions to broad and not focused enough. I feel as if I combined the methods, of using reading questions and heading questions, it might help in focusing my reading more. I do feel that it did help me in knowing where to find information that we were discussing. While I did have to go back more often since I was not sure of what I am answering, I was able to find the information quicker and not have to search as much in the text. I was more aware of where the information was than I have been previously.

    Moving forward using this as a method in my reading I will need to do some work to make it easier and more meaningful. One part of the method that I would need to work on to make a better habit would be making better questions of the headings that are more meaningful to the text at hand. This was new to me and so I am not familiar with how to do it. I do feel as the more that I engage in the habit I would be better at it and then could rely on reading questions less to gain meaning in the text. Another habit that I feel like would benefit my reading would be recording. As I stated earlier I do so much just to read and try to understand that I do not take them time to record what stuck out to me or what is important information. This is not to say that I do not do this, but it is usually what I know I must answer in later questions or things I feel are greatly important.


  1. Matt, now that we are a few more weeks into the semester, I wonder how you are doing with using this strategy or in what ways are you modifying it to help you better comprehend the first time through as well as help you to organize your thoughts in preparation for our Deeper Dive discussions?


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