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Entry #11: Final Considerations

  For my final considerations as this semester is coming to a close, there have been two topics that I have developed a deep understanding of: young readers and writers, and fluency. Both topics stick out to me because I have of personal connections with the topics. In young readers I have touch upon twice in my blogs as it is something that I have recently and still am living through with my own young children and the students I work with that are working through this stage in their educational journeys, even as their chronological age would suggest otherwise. With fluency, it is a deeper, personal connection because it sticks out to me due to my own struggles throughout my school life and into my adult life with fluency. In learning about young readers and writers I never equated how much learning they do before formally learning the skills that we work on in school. I knew that reading to children early was very beneficial to kids early reading and eventually writing development and

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